Anything But Books Tag

When I sat down to write today, I had no idea what I was going to write about but I knew I wanted to write because it brings me a lot of joy. I haven’t been reading much the last couple of weeks so I didn’t really have any book reviews I could write and I didn’t have any backlist titles I was super excited to write about so I decided a book tag might be a good idea. Today’s book tag is the Anything But Books Tag. While I love books and reading, I’m in the mood to talk about things I don’t normally talk about, so that’s what we are going to do today!

I found this booktag on Zeezee with Books Blog and the original creator was ReadorRot on youtube. (I went to link the original creator but the link is no longer available.)

Name a cartoon that you love!

Lately I have been loving Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure on Disney+. It sounds silly, and it is, but it’s the sweetest children’s show. It contains interesting lore, intriguing themes, and my favorite animation style I’ve seen in awhile. If you are a fan of the Tangled movie then you will love the show. Keep in mind it’s definitely for kids, but it’s worth the watch if you are a Disney or Rapunzel fan.

What’s your favorite song right now?

The Next Right Thing from Frozen 2. I’m sure I sound like the biggest Disney adult right now with how many disney related things I’m mentioning it but to be honest it’s just what I love. The Next Right Thing has been a comforting and important song to me over the last few weeks and I think it will forever be an important song to me. If you haven’t listened to it before then I recommend listening to it. While I love the music in the first Frozen movie, the second movie has some of my absolute favorites!

What could you do for hours that isn’t reading?

Lately, play cozy games like Stardew Valley or Wylde Flowers! The cozy farming sims are my favorite things to play when stressed or anxious because the repetition and quests are so useful for helping me to refocus and disconnect from my stress. I also love that I get to take care of cows, chickens, and crops without all the messy bits. I’ve been slowly discovering more and more cozy games that are fun and help give me a little bit of an escape when I need it.

What is something you do that your followers would be surprised by?

I’m not sure there is much I do that would surprise my followers but I have liked watching baseball lately! I’m a fan of the Astros and the Hooks and have gotten to see games live with both teams! Hooks games are my absolute favorite though! As I’m writing this we are watching the Astros play!

What is your favorite, unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?

This is a hard question to answer because it changes every day. The last few months I’ve been interested in learning as much as I can about D&D, but if we want to get specific it’s the ranger and cleric classes. Most of my general research and learning has been watching QI which is a British game show full of useless information and I find it really fun learning about things on there and then researching them on my own but it’s about any and all topics under the sun.

What is something unusual you know how to do?

I still have most of my Shakespeare monologues memorized from college. While this isn’t crazy unusual, I’m aware that it’s not the most typical skill, but I like reciting Shakespeare in my head as I fall asleep. It’s weirdly meditative and quite fun!

Name something you’ve made in the last year (and show us if you can)

I’ve made so many things but have pictures of none of it. I’ve made a couple stardew valley farms, crocheted a few scarves (none of which are complete) and made a ton of D&D characters! My current D&D character is a Water Genasi Tempest Cleric named Cordelia who lives in Waterdeep. Cordelia is so much fun to play! She has light aqua blue skin and dark green hair and her clothes are kind of inspired by Mirabel from Encanto. She’s a cleric so she fights with a spiritual weapon, which is a glowing kiwi because it just felt appropriate in the moment. My other character, which I’m not currently playing, is Mira, a half elven ranger/druid combo who has a bear named Fergus as a primal companion. Mira and Cordelia both mean a lot to me and I hope to get to play Mira again one day.

What’s your most recent personal project?

Cleaning out the clutter in my kitchen and my closet. To be honest I’m trying to clean out the clutter in my entire apartment but I’m especially focused on the kitchen and closet. I love organizing things but I hate doing the decluttering before the organizing which means everything kind of just ends up in piles which defeats the entire purpose. There is a method to the piles but they are still piles nonetheless.

Tell us something you think about often. (Maybe while staring out of windows)

My daydreaming is usually about fictional characters or fictional situations if I’m entirely honest. Or what would happen if a dragon suddenly appeared and started talking to me. Trust me, sometimes it’s fun to daydream while your students are taking a test about what would happen if a dragon suddenly showed up letting you know that you need to go on a quest to find some unusual and ancient artifact. How would you react? Would you call a dean for help? How would you explain the situation to everyone? Would they even see the dragon? (I may have watched too much of Merlin and the Librarians in the last few years)

Give something that is your favorite, but make it oddly specific.

I don’t know why but the only thing coming to mind is the breakfast Ronto Wrap from Ronto Roasters at Hollywood Studios. It is by far the best gluten free pita I have ever had and I’ve been craving it so badly! Honestly most gluten free Disney food is my favorite gluten free food but the gluten free Margherita pizza and the gluten free Ronto Wrap are easily my all time favorites.